Please note that: the program of the conference is not complete and may be subject to minor changes
The congress will be held in English with translation into French
09.00 - 13.00 Morning Session
09.00 Welcome and “have to knows”
Eric Dobbelaere (
09.10 Concept, communication & collaboration
Patrick van Dun (COME BE)
09.20 – 11.00 Keynote Session 1
Moderators: Eric Dobbelaere & Patrick van Dun
09.20 Filip Cools - Long-term consequences of premature birth
09.50 Francesco Cerritelli - Research and collaboration in treating premature newborns in hospitals
10.20 Discussion & practical approach
10.35 Coffee break
Meeting the speakers in breakout rooms
11.00 – 12.30 Keynote Session 2
Moderators: Bernard Deconinck & Pierre-Michel Dugailly
11.00 Sung-Joo Forment - Plagiocephaly : Towards a new conception of the osteopathic approach?
11.30 Dawn Carnes - Effectiveness of common interventions for the treatment of infantile colic, positional plagiocephaly and congenital muscular torticollis
12.00 Discussion & practical approach
12.15 Coffee break
Meeting the speakers in breakout rooms
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 17.30 Afternoon Session
14.00 – 15.40 Keynote Session 3
Moderators: Eric Dobbelaere & Patrick van Dun
14.00 Yvan Vandenplas - Functional intestinal disorders in infancy: the traditional approach
14.30 Dawn Carnes - Effectiveness and cost of osteopathic manual therapy treatment for excessively crying, distressed and unsettled infants: a randomised controlled trial
15.00 Discussion & practical approach
15.15 Coffee break
Meeting the speakers in breakout rooms
15.45 – 17.00 Keynote Session 4
Moderators: Bernard Deconinck & Pierre-Michel Dugailly
15.45 Florian Schwerla - Osteopathic treatment of infants in their first year of life: a prospective multicenter observational study (OSTINF-Study)
16.15 Chantal Morin - Osteopathic view of otitis media: from research to practice
16.45 Discussion & practical approach
17.00 Closing ceremony… and meeting the speakers in breakout rooms
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