Webinar ended on 2023/10/19 at 09:00 Central European Time

Workshop: Setting up your own PBRN

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Registrations are closed

Video – 23 May 2023

Video – 5 September 2023

Title: Setting up your own PBRN
Organisers: Dr. Amie Steel, Dr. Jerry Draper-Rodi, Dr. Paul Vaucher
Format: 8h training with three workshops
23 Mai 2023, 9PM Central European Time (Online)
5 September 2023, 9PM Central European Time (Online)
19 October 2023, 1PM UK time (At London, optional – In presence)
Language: English
Cost: free of charge

Description: Practioner based research networks (PBRNs) provide opportunities for institutions to collect field information on practice and clinical data. It is most useful to manage qualitative studies, surveys, epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Setting up and having one's own PBRN is a strong argument for any research entity to show it can run serious studies with representative on-field data. It is a worthwhile investment for institutions as it increases chances of obtaining grants and running studies working with practitioners and day to day patients who seek care in ambulatory settings.

COME wishes to support its community by promoting such networks. In collaboration with NCOR and ARCCIM, COME therefore proposes a three-day workshop to help researchers understand how such a network can be set-up to meet specific institutional needs. Experts that have been working with PBRNs will help attendees obtain community support and teering to understand and set up their own PBRN. The first two workshops will be online. These two-hour sessions will take place in Mai and September 2023 and are run by Amie Steel and Jerry Draper-Rodi. A third presential four-hour workshop will take place in London alongside the GOsC congress in October. This third session is optional and requires institutional support.

By the end of all three workshops, attendees should be able to understand key features of PBRNs and their utilities, spot important challenges and ways to overcome them in their own setting and formulate the main requirements they need to set up their own PBRN. The workshop also aims to set up a community to share experience and material and facilitate future international collaborations.

Attendance to workshops is free of charge. However, traveling costs and accommodation to London should be covered by the attendee’s institution.

Short presentation of workshop organisers:

Dr. Amie Steel, Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Complementary & Integrative Medicine at the University of Technology Sydney, works in public health research with a particular interests in mixed methods research, implementation science, knowledge mobilisation, applied health services research, and practice-based (pragmatic) clinical research. She has successfully set up major PBRNs in both Australia and New-Zealand.

Dr. Jerry Draper-Rodi, Senior Research Fellow at the University College of Osteopathy and Director of the National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR) in the UK, has been working in setting up IT instruments and building up networks to collect quality data about osteopathic practice in the UK. Keen to open opportunities for collecting data internationly, he has promoted the creation of a research community on the topic of PBRNs and PROMS.

Dr. Paul Vaucher, former full professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, is an osteopath with over 20 years of experience in community health research. He has worked on multiple projects including PBRNs in general practice and has set up in collaboration with the SOSF an initial PBRN for osteopathic practitioners in Switzerland.