Do you hold a degree in osteopathy (D.O., DO)? * YES NO
Institution name currently enrolled as student *
Degree program * Osteopathy - Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Biology - Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Physiotherapy – Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Naturopathy - Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Psychology – Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Sport Science - Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Master of Science (MSc)Other
Degree programme final year * 2022202320242025202620272028202920302031
Which other Profession? (optional)If "Profession" is other, please enter manually
Areas of professional interest (please select one or more options) You can select the areas of interest you would like to work in and collaborate with when you will become a member of the Foundation * Research - scientific and/or clinical research study Research - Collaborate on an existing project Research - Set-up a new project Training (participation in promoted courses and webinars) Events Social-Humanitarian Projects Communication Fundraising Networking
Please select if you have any experience in contributing, running, or leading projects in: * Research Education Social-Humanitarian projects Events None
Please select if you have any particular skills and/or experience in: * Communication Fundraising Networking None
Are you interested in contributing to one or more of the COME projects? * YES NO
Wich one of the COME projects are you interested in? (optional) BIOMECHO CAMEO Clinimetrics COME to AFRICA COME to WORK COSMOS EnActive Inference HEVO MASCOT MIRROR NEMO NOI OPERA PERCEPTIO Placebo PRESS RACE Across LIMITS RAISE SAME HANDS Touch Virtual Reality WATER
How did you come to know the Foundation? (more than one possible answer) * Website Social media Friends Colleagues I attended an event I have already collaborated on a COME project Other
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